Page 3935 - Week 11 - Thursday, 26 September 2019

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To support the oversight group, the culture review implementation steering group was formed. This is a forum that facilitates the implementation of the recommendations of the review with a strong focus on implementation and application from a people perspective.

The steering group is chaired by the Director-General of the ACT Health Directorate and comprises the Chief Executive Officer of Canberra Health Services, the Regional Chief Executive Officer of Calvary ACT and the human resources executives of the three organisations. The steering group meets on a monthly basis, with the inaugural meeting having taken place on 13 May 2019. To date, four meetings of the steering group have occurred.

The culture review highlighted the fact that clinical engagement throughout the ACT public health system needs to be significantly improved. We are acting on this in a range of ways. At the organisational level, the refreshed executive team in Canberra Health Services is in no doubt that engaging clinicians to participate in conversations about safety, quality and hospital performance is a core part of their job.

The clinical leadership forum has also been established to provide direct feedback to me and the Minister for Mental Health. It held its inaugural meeting on 24 July 2019 and is meeting again this week. The forum provides a significant opportunity to seek input from clinicians into planning for territory-wide health service delivery. I am pleased to say that forum members are enthusiastically embracing this opportunity and thinking hard about their role in engaging fellow clinicians; and about where they can make a difference in providing practical input on issues such as how ACT health services can work better with the local hospital networks across southern New South Wales to improve patient outcomes.

In response to feedback from a number of the professional colleges and associations that they were keen to play a formal role in culture review implementation and health system improvements more generally, I have also agreed to establish a clinical stakeholder and advisory committee, with the timing of meetings aligned to enable feedback from the culture review oversight group and input to the oversight group meetings. I look forward to attending the first meeting of this forum in the next few weeks.

These various forums provide a structured approach to engaging with key stakeholders to inform the development of initiatives that address the recommendations of the culture review. They also respond directly to those recommendations, particularly recommendation 9.

Other fora that have been initiated include the ACT health and wellbeing and partnership board. The purpose of the board is to discuss significant matters affecting health and medical research and workforce development across Canberra Health Services, the ACT Health Directorate, Calvary ACT, the University of Canberra and the Australian National University, with significant contribution from the Health Care Consumers Association. This initiative is both reflected in and responds to recommendation 7 of the culture review.

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