Page 3897 - Week 11 - Wednesday, 25 September 2019

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(f) helps suburban residents to access the rapid bus and light rail networks through feeder services and expanding the Park and Ride network;

(g) outlines measures to assist the transition to zero emissions vehicles to support those needing cars to commute or travel, by exploring and trialling financial incentives to support the uptake of zero emissions vehicles from 2021;

(h) introduces mandatory disclosure of energy performance for all rental properties and moves towards minimum energy performance requirements to come into force from 2022-23, which supports individuals and families to make a considered choice when choosing a rental property;

(i) expands the Energy Efficiency Improvement Scheme to increase support and lower day-to-day energy costs for low income households;

(j) actively supports vulnerable and low-income individuals and households’ participation in shifting to zero net emissions; and

(k) will provide food and garden waste collection for all households, including multi-unit dwellings from 2023; and

(2) calls on the ACT Government to initiate a comprehensive awareness program and actively promote the measures outlined in the ACT Climate Strategy 2019-25 that support Canberra households to take full advantage of its cost saving and energy efficiency measures.

I am very pleased to bring forward this motion before the Assembly. The ACT is leading the nation and the world on climate action, and we have some of the most ambitious emissions reductions targets in the world. The ACT climate change strategy 2019-25 is building upon the work we have already done as we accelerate to 100 per cent renewable electricity from 2020. However, the strategy is also delivering benefit to our community through cost saving measures, greater energy efficiency, more comfortable homes and a cooler city.

In May this year the ACT joined other cities and nations to declare a climate emergency, which acknowledged the need for urgent and decisive action to address the global threat of climate change. That climate change strategy reflects the ACT government’s commitment to investigate options and opportunities across how our government operates in order to best respond to this challenge.

It is no longer tenable to ignore the threat of climate change. This strategy clearly outlines why it is in the long-term interests of Canberrans to have a comprehensive plan to reach 100 per cent renewable energy and zero net emissions. This strategy takes measures to address climate change issues in different sectors in the community, such as businesses, schools and households, delivering benefits to all households in the ACT.

Taking early action to reduce emissions and prepare for climate change is more cost-effective than delaying action. The energy efficiency improvement scheme is a key mechanism for delivering on the ACT emissions reduction targets by helping households and businesses reduce emissions and energy costs.

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