Page 3868 - Week 11 - Wednesday, 25 September 2019

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That is pretty much what we would get to if you are not allowed to pursue issues as they evolve. Just imagine if the Speaker had made a similar decision about a climate change motion. There would be outrage. Of course, Ms J Burch would not do that. She would not offend Labor’s coalition partner.

One cannot help but think that there is a bias in this decision. One cannot help but think that the Speaker is running interference so that we do not prosecute the issues with network 19. The issues with network 19 are real. We hear it all the time. Time and time again we hear of constituents who are left abandoned in their homes or abandoned at a bus stop because of the lack of performance in our bus network.

The three motions that the Speaker referred to are all different. There is no doubt about that; they are all different. In addition to that, we never really had a vote on them, because they were amended completely. It is very debatable as to whether technically Ms J Burch even has the provision, based on those standing orders, to make the ruling that she has.

Madam Speaker, I think you have let down many people by making the decision that you have today. We in the opposition are disappointed that we cannot litigate this issue in the Assembly today, but we really feel for the thousands of people who are left stranded by this government as a result of this bad bus network. And now, because of your ruling, we are not able to represent them through this motion. It is outrageous and the Assembly should be dissenting from your decision.

Question put:

That the motion be agreed to.

The Assembly voted—

Ayes 7

Noes 10

Mr Coe

Mr Wall

Mr Barr

Mr Pettersson

Mr Hanson

Ms J Burch

Mr Rattenbury

Mrs Jones

Ms Cheyne

Mr Steel

Mrs Kikkert

Mr Gupta

Ms Stephen-Smith

Ms Lawder

Ms Le Couteur

Mr Milligan

Ms Orr

Question resolved in the negative.

MADAM SPEAKER: For the interest of members, Mr Coe, you asked about written advice. I have made it very clear to you that there was no written advice; it was verbal advice. I suggested that you take the opportunity for that advice as well, for a verbal briefing for members’ information.

Drugs of Dependence (Personal Cannabis Use) Amendment Bill 2018

Debate resumed.

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