Page 3682 - Week 10 - Thursday, 19 September 2019

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(4) What were the workforce strategies for the University of Canberra Public Hospital (UCPH) and (a) did they work and (b) by what measure.

(5) What was learned from the UCPH experience and to what extent has this learning informed the workforce strategies for the new SPIRE and CHWC facilities.

Ms Stephen-Smith: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Workforce strategies for the Surgical Procedures, Interventional Radiology and Emergency (SPIRE) building and extensions to the Centenary Hospital for Women and Children (CHWC) will be developed in consultation with relevant stakeholders comprising staff, their representatives and consumer groups. Project funding has been allocated for workforce planning to ensure appropriate staffing needs can be met prior to commissioning.

(2) Strategies will be developed in consultation with relevant stakeholders comprising staff, their representatives and consumer groups to align with the project construction program. A Commissioning team is yet to be established for these projects who will identify workforce strategies to meet the construction commissioning timeframe.

(3) Refer to the response to question 2 above.

(4) A number of workforce strategies were used to support the successful opening of University of Canberra Hospital (UCH), including:

the development of an appropriate workforce profile to support the UCH’s model of care and model of service;

The recruitment to positions at UCH occurred in three ways including:

1) The direct transfer of staff that were in services transferring in their entirety to UCH;

2) Where there were more staff in areas than positions available, positions were advertised and recruited to internally; and

3) Where there were additional positions that could not be recruited to internally, these were advertised externally.

establishment of a Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) to consult with staff and their representatives on the proposed staffing profile and recruitment processes to support the establishment of UCH;

ensuring targeted recruitment occurred in a timely manner; and

participation of staff in a range of education and engagement activities including ‘Change Management’ training for Managers; workshops to develop UCH’s Cultural Charter.

4(a) Yes.

4(b) Overall the strategies were highly successful as measured by the successful delivery of health services from the opening date of UCH. There was also agreement with members of the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC), including Unions, to reduce the frequency meetings given there were minimal issues being reported. There were high levels of staff engagement and positive feedback from staff in the development of the UCH Culture Charter.

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