Page 3636 - Week 10 - Thursday, 19 September 2019

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that there will necessarily be redevelopment at Calwell but it does mean that at least there is a possibility.

It is unbelievable to think that recommendation 6 is necessary, but it is that the ACT government ensure shadow diagrams are provided to the committee and the ACT community for all future variations. It is hard to imagine how the government could think a worthwhile evaluation could be done of a redevelopment without knowing where shadows are cast. I thank committee members for their input and commend our report to the government.

MR PARTON (Brindabella) (11.54): I want to speak briefly to both reports. I was waiting for coffee this morning with my old friend Mr Barr. We were chatting about how willing things have become in the chamber of late but how our committee system is where you are likely to see collegiate bipartisanship. We see it in particular in this planning committee with the three members from the three parties.

I do not believe that any of us on this committee sees themselves as a planning guru—although maybe I should not have said that because Suzanne might have seen herself as a planning guru—but there is great benefit in a different set of eyes looking at these scenarios. My genuine belief is that the committee’s recommendations on both Calwell and the Molonglo River reserve are extremely well thought out and to a large degree are just commonsense outcomes after dealing with all the evidence.

I thank Ms Le Couteur, Ms Orr and now Mr Pettersson. I also thank Annemieke Jongsma, who is an absolute gem. That is all I have to say; I am not going to go into the detail because Ms Le Couteur covered that exceptionally well in her statements.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Sitting suspended from 11.56 am to 2.00 pm.

Questions without notice

Labor Party—staff behaviour

MR COE: My question is to the Chief Minister and head of the executive. The New South Wales Labor Party is under intense scrutiny following a major scandal with alleged illegal donations and corruption. Today it is reported that members of the ACT Labor Party and staff of ACT Labor MLAs were seen celebrating this issue. Chief Minister, is this behaviour acceptable and representative of your government, and what responsibility do you take for staff mocking corruption issues?

MR BARR: No, I do not think this behaviour is acceptable. I believe that doing silly things and putting them on the internet is not a good practice for anyone. I am disappointed in what I have seen. I know I speak on behalf of all of my colleagues in expressing that disappointment. I think those young people would, if they had their time again, not have posed for a photograph in that way.

The government is of course conscious of the need to address integrity issues within government. That is why we intend to progress with legislation that will ban property

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