Page 3468 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 17 September 2019

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and if another minister were not available then Ms Cheyne would be able to do so. Indeed, so would another non-executive member in that rare circumstance.

MR COE: Chief Minister, considering the role that committees have in this parliament, why do you allow Ms Cheyne to act as both a special secretary and also the chair of a scrutiny committee?

Ms Cheyne: What? I am not a chair of the scrutiny committee.

MR COE: A scrutiny committee; yes, you are.

MR BARR: The roles are not incompatible and I did seek advice in relation to this appointment. It is not unusual within Westminster systems for there to be non-executive roles or tasks. I note that it is very popular to mention in question time that former Prime Minister Tony Abbott was given a non-executive role. So, indeed, was a former deputy prime minister, Barnaby Joyce. I think they were special envoys, weren’t they?

So it is possible for there to be specific tasks for a member to undertake. I think the line of questioning here certainly illustrates the lack of interest that those opposite have in pursuing the territory’s democratic rights as they relate to end of life issues. Indeed, as members would know, Ms Cheyne has championed that cause, and her work on fuel pricing—the collaborative work with a couple of members sitting on the other side of the chamber—was lauded this morning by Mr Parton as a good example of how this parliament should work. This line of questioning is pretty low.

Waste—bulky waste collection

MR GUPTA: My question is to the Minister for Recycling and Waste Reduction. Minister, can you please outline the government’s plans to provide bulky waste collection services to all Canberrans?

MR STEEL: I thank Mr Gupta for his question. The ACT government is providing even better services for our growing city. I was very pleased last night to announce that we will be delivering a free bulky waste collection service for all Canberra households. In 2016 the Chief Minister promised a bulky waste collection service for all of Canberra. We are now delivering on our commitment. We are getting on with the job of delivering better services for Canberrans.

All Canberra households, including multi-unit properties, will be able to access the service, with households able to receive one free collection per year of up to two cubic metres. Bulky items collected include furniture and household appliances, whitegoods, metal products, and some building materials and tools.

The model chosen by the government will also preserve the cleanliness of our suburbs. Many councils across Australia are moving away from the suburb-wide council collection drop-off day and moving to a booking system. We have chosen to deliver a booking model that is currently used for the existing service that is provided

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