Page 3382 - Week 09 - Thursday, 22 August 2019

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Advanced Technology and Space Industries) (3.47): I am delighted to be able to speak again in this place about public transport. There is a contrast in this place between this side and those opposite, as they have indicated in their speeches. We believe in public transport and we work hard to improve services and respect the people who get up early and work late to keep our city moving.

For much of their time in opposition, the Canberra Liberals have not talked about public transport. They did not have plans. They had some. They were going to cancel light rail and buy everyone Audis. But something has changed in recent times. There is an interest over there in our bus network, but the interest is pure negativity. All they can do is criticise and attack. They have no plans. This tells me one thing: they are setting up action for privatisation. They are copying the playbook of the South Australian Liberals, as we have heard in their speeches today, and following the cuts in the tradition of Mr Tony Abbott.

We have an excellent public transport system, one that the Minister for Transport and City Services is working hard to make even better. I understand that weekend journeys are up 10 per cent in Tuggeranong, in my electorate, when you compare June 2019 to June 2018. There has been an increase in the rapid services for residents in Tuggeranong and the Lanyon Valley. Working families have a quicker transit to the city, Woden and Belconnen town centres, with more frequent rapid services.

I have heard from bus drivers that feedback from riders is that these new services have shortened journeys, leaving more time with the family. More generally, the network is now simpler and easier to understand, starts earlier and finishes later on weekdays, and there are now fewer changes needed to get to the city and other town centres.

The government also has options for those south siders with mobility impairments. These services range from flexible bus services, community transport providers and a taxi voucher scheme as well. While there have been good changes, Minister Steel is working to further improve services for south siders. I look forward to working with him. It is very clear that we have here a minister who believes in public transport and backs our bus drivers, unlike those opposite.

MS ORR (Yerrabi) (3.49): I am pleased to contribute to today’s discussion on the importance of a well-connected and practical bus network for Canberra’s outer suburban areas. As a member for Yerrabi, I have the privilege of representing Canberrans who live in some of the ACT’s northernmost suburbs. For these people, it is important that they are well connected to their surrounding communities and the city’s major centres.

Through this government’s well-integrated public transport network, residents in Taylor, Moncrieff, Bonner, Forde and Throsby are all able to access reliable bus and light rail services which help them move around our city. Network 19 has delivered to the newer suburbs of Taylor, Moncrieff and Throsby a dedicated bus service for the first time which will provide residents with the convenient and reliable public transport service that they need.

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