Page 3331 - Week 09 - Thursday, 22 August 2019

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partner who uses force to get what they want without any consideration for the other partner.

In 2019 I find it unbelievable that many people do not realise that domestic violence has no postcode. It does not happen just to those who live in public housing. It knows no boundaries. Your friend, your family, your neighbour, you—domestic violence can happen to anyone. And it is up to all of us to stand up and say no.

In the media we hear about women murdered in their homes. We hear about women who do not feel safe walking around alone. But we do not hear about the women who are most afraid of standing in their kitchen every day, those who are scared to death that the coffee they make for their partner will cause it to be thrown at them, the woman who believes she is worthless, that she has nothing to give. That is the scariest of all. We all live on a street where it is probably happening. And we have all walked past its front door.

I encourage everyone to read the committee’s report, to talk to your friends and family and to remove the stigma of domestic violence.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Environment and Transport and City Services—Standing Committee

Statement by chair

MS ORR (Yerrabi) (10.34): Pursuant to standing order 246A, I wish to make a statement on behalf of the Standing Committee on Environment and Transport and City Services relating to petition 6-19. The petition was received by the Assembly on 21 March 2019 and referred to the committee under standing order 99A.

As signatories to petition 6-19, 1,128 residents of the ACT sought to draw to the attention of the Assembly the removal of bus route 3—“a route”, in the words of the petition, “that has serviced the ANU campus for many years, providing transport options to thousands of students who live in the residence halls and others who commute to and from the campus”. The petition highlighted that the removal of bus route 3 “particularly affects students with disabilities and mobility issues, students living in self-catered accommodation, financially disadvantaged students who cannot afford cars, international students, and students with safety concerns”.

The petition called for the reinstatement of bus route 3, the diversion of other routes to service the ANU via Daley Road or the provision of funding for the ANU to provide a reliable shuttle bus to run from the ANU to the city bus station.

Minister Steel provided a response to this petition on 2 July 2019. The minister’s response pointed out that the new bus network “includes a range of frequent, direct public transport services for students and staff travelling to the Australian National University” and noted that “there is a bus or light rail vehicle stopping near the ANU about every 30 seconds in peak times”. The response also noted that 90 per cent of students and others travelling to the ANU do so via “rapid stops on the fringes of

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