Page 3083 - Week 08 - Thursday, 15 August 2019

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(Question No 2529)

Ms Le Couteur asked the Minister for Education and Early Childhood Development, upon notice, on 17 May 2019:

(1) How many ACT Government school playgrounds are available to the public.

(2) Is it necessary that an ACT Government staff member be on site in order for the public to access ACT Government school playground.

Ms Berry: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Directorate Policy is that facilities are to be made available for community use when not in use by the school:

The majority of ACT public school playgrounds are accessible to members of the public outside of school hours. Data about specific school arrangements regarding access is not collected centrally.

(2) No.

Schools—kitchen gardens
(Question No 2530)

Ms Le Couteur asked the Minister for Education and Early Childhood Development, upon notice, on 17 May 2019:

(1) How many ACT Government schools have kitchen gardens and can the Minister provide a list of those ACT Government schools that have kitchen gardens.

(2) What is the proportion of vegetarian meal options available in ACT Government school canteens.

Ms Berry: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) The installation and implementation of a school kitchen garden is a school-based decision. The Education Directorate does not centrally monitor or collate school’s participation in these programs or initiatives.

(2) All ACT Public Schools must adhere to the requirements of the ACT Public School Food and Drink Policy which includes provision for the serving of vegetarian food in school canteens.

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