Page 2969 - Week 08 - Thursday, 15 August 2019

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practitioners in the ACT. Removing this legislative burden may assist employers, public and private, to create more nurse practitioner positions.

The amendments to the Health Act 1993, as recommended, are technically feasible. There is also a minor technical amendment that updates Sex Work Act 1992 section 2, note 1, as a consequence of changes to the Health Act 1993 relating to nurse practitioners. The note had previously referred to a definition of “authorised nurse practitioners” in the Health Act 1993. However, that definition was omitted in 2017.

Consultation on the changes has been extensive. The proposed changes have been accepted by all stakeholders. On the basis of the above, I commend this bill to the Assembly.

Debate (on motion by Mrs Dunne) adjourned to the next sitting.

Energy Efficiency (Cost of Living) Improvement Amendment Bill 2019

Mr Rattenbury, pursuant to notice, presented the bill, its explanatory statement, a regulatory impact statement and a Human Rights Act compatibility statement.

Title read by Clerk.

MR RATTENBURY (Kurrajong—Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability, Minister for Corrections and Justice Health, Minister for Justice, Consumer Affairs and Road Safety and Minister for Mental Health) (10.26): I move:

That this bill be agreed to in principle.

I am pleased to present this bill, which will extend the territory’s market-based energy efficiency improvement scheme, known as EEIS, until the end of 2030. The EEIS will therefore continue to encourage the efficient use of energy; reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy use; reduce household and business energy use and costs; and, in particular, assist low income households struggling with rising electricity bills.

Madam Speaker, this scheme is a win-win initiative which delivers strongly on government priorities. It wins by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the territory and helps achieve the ACT’s climate change strategy and emission reduction targets. It wins in building a better city by ensuring that households and businesses improve efficiency and reduce their energy bills. The EEIS priority household target is a win for social inclusion, since it ensures that low income households benefit from energy efficiency improvements and associated health and wellbeing co-benefits. And the EEIS overall is a win for the ACT climate change adaptation strategy, because it delivers activities to help improve thermal comfort, health and wellbeing in both summer and winter, when the ACT experiences extreme heat and cold.

Many studies show that energy efficiency improvements are critical to achieving an economically efficient transition to zero carbon energy systems. A recent report by the

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