Page 2895 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 14 August 2019

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Mr Gentleman: Madam Speaker, just before you conclude on the point of order, if we could, it is highly unparliamentary to call ministers in this place by their first name, whether it is in an interjection or not. They should be given the name of the ministerial portfolio.

MADAM SPEAKER: Yes, that is an accepted practice in this place.

Ms Lawder: On the point of order, Madam Speaker, I absolutely agree with your ruling and I point out that Mr Gentleman spoke about the “Tony Abbott handbook” earlier, instead of referring to him by the title Mr Abbott or former Prime Minister Abbott. I think a lot of this is: what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Mr Gentleman, instead of making his point, could do it as well.

MADAM SPEAKER: I was just saying it is an accepted practice. When it is brought to my attention I will bring it—

Mr Hanson interjecting—

MADAM SPEAKER: You are warned, Mr Hanson.

Municipal services—footpaths

MS LAWDER: My question is to the minister for city services. Minister, how many complaints have you had about the state of footpaths in the ACT since your appointment to the city services portfolio?

MR STEEL: I thank the member for her question. It is a very specific question. I am happy to provide that level of specificity in an answer on notice.

Mr Coe: Kevin Rudd.

MADAM SPEAKER: The joke goes both ways. Your colleague made quite a stand a moment ago, with reference to that sort of speak, Mr Coe.

Mr Hanson interjecting

MADAM SPEAKER: You are on a warning, Mr Hanson.

MS LAWDER: Minister, what is the average time between a complaint and a completed repair of footpath damage in the ACT?

MR STEEL: Again, I am happy to provide that level of specificity in an answer on notice, but I am informed there are currently 600 requests on the community path priority list. While those are not complaints—they are often simple requests for maintenance—they go on to a list and are assessed by a city services team as to whether they are a priority and some are dealt with more quickly than others depending on what priority they are given.

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