Page 2802 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 13 August 2019

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making sure that we are replacing trees in areas where there is existing canopy cover and trees are coming to the end of their life. We will also prepare an urban forest strategy which will map out how we meet longer term targets for our tree canopy and provide a long-term plan for the management of our fantastic tree canopy here in Canberra.

Growing our investment in water infrastructure was the number one priority identified by the better suburbs citizens forum and the government is reflecting this priority in a significant investment in water infrastructure. The budget funds upgrades to the stormwater network in Fyshwick, Waramanga, Page and Weetangera along with a boost to the frequency of street sweeping to improve outcomes and better services for suburbs and also the quality of water run-off into our waterways.

We are improving capacity in our stormwater network to make it safer for Canberrans as well. Stormwater infrastructure in key areas across Belconnen, Weston Creek and the inner north have drainage systems that were not built to current design standards. Our upgrades will address those issues and protect Canberra’s natural water courses from pollution through additional street-sweeping resources.

Detailed design for water management infrastructure in Mawson will commence to improve the amenity and support the future needs of the area while also keeping the community safe over the long term by investing in flood mitigation measures. We are looking forward to that work being done on the Mawson retaining basin with construction to commence in 2020-21.

We are making it easier and safer to move around our suburbs by delivering on our election commitment to provide safer intersections through upgrades to key sites across Canberra. Intersection upgrades are planned at Southern Cross Drive and Starke Street in Holt, Belconnen Way and Springvale Drive in Hawker, Kent Street and Novar Street in Deakin and Yarralumla, and Launceston Street and Irving Street in Phillip. These initiatives will continue to improve safe road access in these areas particularly for pedestrians and a better flow of traffic through the areas.

We are also investing in upgrades around the car park in Mount Taylor as part of stage 2 of the works, providing safe turning lanes in and out of the car park and looking at improving and widening the road in that location.

Safety will be improved on ACT roads with infrastructure improvements to be delivered across our roads for heavy vehicles in particular. The upgrades will include line marking, widening of kerbs and of key intersections to cater for the size, carrying capacity and design of today’s heavy vehicles. This will allow goods and materials to be transported where they are needed in the ACT. The initiative will also continue to strengthen a set of bridges on the existing B-double network.

The community will benefit from upgrades to the Monaro Highway, an important transport and freight corridor particularly for those on the south side. These upgrades are jointly funded between the commonwealth and ACT governments with up to $200 million in funding committed beyond the forward estimates.

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