Page 2360 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 30 July 2019

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Community engagement to consider, but not be limited to: the impact on health and wellbeing of the community; existing small businesses, cafes/food outlets; and, parking and traffic management.

Playground facilities in the inner north—petition 14-19

By Mr Rattenbury, from 565 residents:

To the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory

The following residents of the ACT draw to the attention of the Assembly that the play spaces in Dickson, Downer, Watson and Hackett were largely established in the 1960s and 1970s. Most of the existing equipment is basic and outdated, with many only a swing and stainless steel slide. They are mostly unshaded, made of non-renewable materials and can be prohibitively hot during summer. The ACT Government has made significant windfalls through the rezoning of inner north community land including the Downer school site, and has foreshadowed further changes to intensify the density of the inner north, particularly near the light rail corridor. It is therefore incumbent on the Government to invest in additional spaces to meet the recreational need of this increasing population.

Canberra’s inner north needs a new destination recreation park – a large playground with high-quality, creative and sustainable equipment designed to be fun as well as physically and mentally challenging.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the Assembly to request the Government to build a new playground that is:

- Inclusive: Suitable for children of all ages and abilities; accessible and inviting for people of all cultures and age groups

- Adventurous: nature-based and risky play that encourages children to explore their own capabilities, manage risk, and build confidence and resilience

- Distinctive: an iconic space which offers a memorable experience and creates a space to build local community

- Integrated: amenable to multi-use recreation and proximate to cafes and other services to encourage foot traffic and incidental use

Pursuant to standing order 99A, these petitions, having more than 500 signatories, were referred to the Standing Committee on Planning and Urban Renewal and the Standing Committee on Environment and Transport and City Services respectively.

The Clerk having announced that the terms of the petitions would be recorded in Hansard and referred to the appropriate ministers for response pursuant to standing order 100, the petitions were received.

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