Page 2219 - Week 06 - Thursday, 6 June 2019

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MS BERRY: I do not have that detail in front of me. I will have to get that and bring it back to the Assembly for Ms Le Couteur’s information. Of course, working with the community sector is important for the ACT government. In our partnership now with Community Housing Canberra, and particularly HomeGround, we are providing opportunities for people to get into below-market rents. For people with investment properties who want to contribute to that program, it has been an important way forward for the ACT government. I look forward to seeing the outcomes of that program that we are working on with Community Housing Canberra.

MS LE COUTEUR: What, if any, price discount was offered when these blocks were offered for sale?

MS BERRY: I do not believe there were discounts on the blocks but I will check and get some advice. If there is a different response to that then I will provide it to the Assembly.

MS LAWDER: Minister, what process do you and your department go through to determine which blocks will be up for sale and how?

MS BERRY: There are a number of processes that are gone through around what land is available and then what parts of that land would be appropriate for community housing, including other housing opportunities, whether that is public housing, community housing or affordable housing through the indicative land release process. Housing ACT works with EPSDD and the planning minister to make sure that we get the balance right and that the land that is provided to those organisations meets the needs of those organisations.


MR PETTERSSON: My question is to the Chief Minister. Chief Minister, how is the ACT government investing to boost local jobs and growth through the 2019-20 ACT budget?

MR BARR: I thank Mr Pettersson for the question. Our economy has grown by 12 per cent in the past three years, and that has supported the creation of more than 16,000 new jobs. Ongoing strong economic growth delivers more good jobs and opportunities for Canberrans and local businesses.

Through this budget we are delivering the territory’s largest ever infrastructure program. That will support thousands of jobs in our construction industry and across a range of professional scientific and technical service areas. The budget outlines $3 billion worth of infrastructure investment, with a strong focus on health, education and transport infrastructure, investing now to meet our city’s future needs. We are also supporting a more diverse territory economy by supporting the growth of key local industries that build on our territory’s strengths.

Over the next four years there will be a nearly $16 million investment in supporting continued business development activities in sectors like defence, higher education,

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