Page 1712 - Week 05 - Wednesday, 15 May 2019

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I certainly accept that there will be questions but not fanciful questions about differences. The difference between last year and right now is that there is no difference because bike racks can take only two bikes. That was the case last year; it is the case now.

ACTION bus service—school services

MRS JONES: My question is to the minister for education. Minister, I refer to the serious concerns of many parents and schools over the cuts to dedicated school bus services and the significant amount of time many students are now spending at bus stops and interchanges, often being late for school or needing to leave early. Minister, how are you responding to the confusion and stress faced by many students as a result of these cuts?

MS BERRY: I thank Mrs Jones for the question. For the most part, I refer to the responses of the Minister for Transport to most of the questions that have been asked today around buses and bus services at schools. The Education Directorate has actually had only very few concerns raised about the school services, government schools in particular. Ms Fitzharris has already talked about the changes that have been made to some of the other schools in the ACT that were facing capacity issues because of the significant increase in numbers of students who are now catching buses and who were not catching buses before.

I will continue to work very closely with Ms Fitzharris on issues around student capacity on buses. It is a good thing that more students are catching buses. That is a fact. If there are issues that arise, as the minister has said, and they are raised with our officers, we will work together to make sure that students are able to catch buses home from school.

MRS JONES: Minister, what alternatives, if any, are you providing to schools across the ACT when their dedicated bus services have been cut?

MS BERRY: I refer the member to the responses provided previously by the Minister for Transport.

MISS C BURCH: Minister, what advice have you received from your directorate regarding the impact of late arrivals and early departures and students missing up to 50 hours of school a year on children’s educational outcomes?

MS BERRY: I refer the member to the responses already provided by the Minister for Transport on this matter.

Government—building documentation guidelines

MS ORR: My question is to the Minister for Building Quality Improvement. Can the minister update the Assembly on the recent announcement regarding documentation guidelines for the building industry?

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