Page 1636 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 14 May 2019

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(4) In this section:

change in circumstances—a person receiving income replacement benefits has a change in circumstances if—

(a) the person returns to or starts paid work; or

(b) if the person is in paid work—the amount of income the person receives for the work changes.

prescribed period means—

(a) 20 business days; or

(b) if a regulation prescribes a longer period—the longer period.


Clause 108

Page 87, line 8—

[oppose the clause]


Clause 113, definition of treatment and care expenses, paragraph (b) (iii) and example

Page 91, line 3—



Clause 114 (1), note 2

Page 91, line 20—



Proposed new clause 123 (3) (c)

Page 96, line 5—


(c) incorporate in the final version of the recovery plan changes that give effect to the comments of the injured person’s doctor.


Clause 133 heading

Page 103, line 1—

omit the heading, substitute

133WPI taken to be 5% in certain circumstances


Clause 133 (1)

Page 103, line 2—

omit clause 133 (1), substitute

(1) A person injured in a motor accident is taken to have a WPI of 5% for this Act if—

(a) the person was a child on the date of the motor accident; and

(b) either—

(i) the person’s doctor certifies, in writing, that the injured person will need treatment and care more than 4 years and 6 months after the date of the motor accident; or

(ii) the person is a participant in the LTCS scheme in relation to the person’s injury.

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