Page 1529 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 14 May 2019

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(including school students) use public transport, as well as consultation with the public, schools and parents.

Based on this analysis, the Government has prioritised school bus services for areas or schools where a large number of students are travelling and where the existing network is unable to effectively meet this demand. The new network does not include a school bus service for Fairbairn Park because, on average, about 1.2 students boarded a bus and 2.4 students alighted from a bus at Fairbairn Park each school day during 2018.

The ACT Government is committed to continuing to invest in our public transport network. We are monitoring how the new network is used and will continue to work to ensure it best serves our community going forward. Your feedback will be shared with the scheduling and planning area within Transport Canberra and City Services for consideration as part of the development of any future changes to services and timetables.

Thank you for raising this matter with me. I trust this information is of assistance.

Motion to take note of petition and responses

MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to standing order 98A, I propose the question:

That the petition and responses so lodged be noted.

Motor Accident Injuries Bill 2019—petition 11-19

MR COE (Yerrabi—Leader of the Opposition) (10.19): Many Canberrans have been opposed to the changes to the CTP scheme since they were first announced in 2017. The current scheme that we will be debating today provides the best coverage in compensation to not-at-fault victims. Despite their legitimate concerns about reduced access to the new scheme and insurer profits, the government are forging ahead and eroding the rights of motor accident victims with their bill. While the petition had 362 signatories, I seek leave to table a further 26 signatories, which were collected out of order, bringing the total to 388 Canberrans.

MADAM SPEAKER: Is leave granted?

Leave granted.

MR COE: I table the following paper:

Petition which does not conform with the standing orders—Motor Accident Injuries Bill 2019—Opposition—Mr Coe (26 signatures).

Many petitioners have had personal involvement with the scheme and are greatly concerned that future accident victims will be worse off because of the trade-offs made within the proposed legislation. Along with these Canberrans, I again urge members to vote against the bill later today.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

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