Page 1456 - Week 04 - Thursday, 4 April 2019

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(1) How many people who had previously completed criminal history checks applied for Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) Cards in (a) 2017-18 and (b) 2018-19.

(2) How many WWVP cards were not approved of those who applied with an existing criminal history check.

(3) What was the average time taken to complete a WWVP application for individuals who had already completed criminal history checks.

(4) What was the total revenue generated by WWVP applications in 2017-18.

Mr Ramsay: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Previous criminal history checks are not relevant to the Working With Vulnerable People scheme as personally acquired criminal history checks show a lower level of information than the ones undertaken by the Government as part of the WWVP process. Therefore this data is not recorded.

(a) See above.

(b) See above.

(2) Please refer to the response to Question 1.

(3) Please refer to the response to Question 1.

(4) $1,551,381.85

ACTION bus service—network
(Question No 2297)

Miss C Burch asked the Minister for Transport, upon notice, on 22 February 2019:

(1) Can the Minister provide a list of all bus stops to be (a) decommissioned, (b) moved or (c) constructed in relation to the rollout of Network 19.

(2) Can the Minister provide the cost per (a) decommissioning, (b) relocation or (c) construction of bus stops in relation to the rollout of Network 19.

(3) What, if any, notification of the (a) decommissioning, (b) relocation of, or (c) construction of bus stops has or will be given to affected residents and how much notice will be given before the commencement of these works.

(4) What is the expected completion time for works on each bus stop to be completed.

Ms Fitzharris: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) A list of all bus stops being decommissioned, moved or constructed in relation to the rollout of the integrated public transport network is at Attachment A. Of these, 174 stops are currently inactive.

(2) The estimated cost for removing signage at each bus stop is approximately $35 per stop. Any infrastructure removal costs will be subject to stop-specific factors.

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