Page 797 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 20 March 2019

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In addition to the perverse impact these laws have on vulnerable groups, there are serious doubts regarding the effectiveness of anti-consorting laws in disrupting OMCG activities. The Canberra Liberals claim that this piece of legislation will prevent OMCG activities in Canberra and even prevent bikies from assembling together in Canberra. However, Nomads life member and retired bikie Mohammed “Moudi” Tajjour, recently told the ABC that anti-consorting laws will not stop OMCG-related activities. He said that regarding the actual criminals on the streets of this country, it did not change—

Mr Hanson: Your advice comes from bikies?

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Hanson, you will have your chance in the debate.

MR RATTENBURY: I think it is relevant to reflect on people who have some lived experience in this space and the likely impacts of these laws.

Mr Hanson: Your expert advice is bikies.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Hanson, enough. It is too early in the day to be giving you a warning but, please, no more.

MR RATTENBURY: Mr Hanson, of course, is using his preferred method of interrelating with people in this chamber, which is just to heckle, belittle, and mock when, in fact, he will have a perfect opportunity in a short time when he will have 15 to 20 minutes to speak. I am sure he will continue with his commentary then, but the fact that he needs to do it while other people are speaking is symptomatic of the style of conduct he brings to this chamber and the standards he thinks are right for this chamber.

This team constantly give us feedback about the concerns they have about bullying in schools, yet they are demonstrating in this chamber the exact behaviour they complain about that takes place in schools and other places. The rank hypocrisy of that is absolutely stunning, and I am sick and tired of it.

I am sick and tired of the double standard that the Canberra Liberals bring to this place, their complete inability to reflect on their own conduct and the inconsistency of the approach they take to their own behaviour. I was quoting from an article that ran on the ABC on Sunday night. It also ran online. It carried the observation from those who have been involved in these activities that they would not find these laws a barrier to their own activities. They do not actually see these laws as a problem. The quote was that in respect of:

… the actual criminals on the streets of this country, it didn’t change a single thing ... I don’t see no sophisticated organised criminals getting on their phone, going out in public, and talking about crimes … They’re doing it secretly, so nothing’s changed in the aspect of ... organised crime.

Mr Hanson can interject and mock that I am taking my advice from criminals. I take my advice from serious research, but I think it is interesting to reflect on the fact that

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