Page 787 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 19 March 2019

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I thank the members of the JACS directorate who have worked so conscientiously on this bill. I pay my respects to Her Honour Justice Julie Dodds-Streeton for her most insightful guidance in her report to government. I commend the bill to the Assembly.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Leave granted to dispense with the detail stage.

Bill agreed to.


Motion (by Mr Gentleman) proposed:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts

MS CHEYNE (Ginninderra) (5.34): It is well known that Lake Ginninderra is the best lake in this city. It is a beautiful lake and not just loved but central to the recreation of many in the ACT. It is also a beautiful lake to sail or kayak on and to watch boats sail on throughout the summer months. I do not think anyone knows what a great lake Lake Ginninderra is better than the Lake Ginninderra Sea Scouts. Thanks to their generosity recently, I also have a better understanding of this gem.

Every year the sea scouts from Lake Tuggeranong, Lake Burley Griffin and Lake Ginninderra compete in races on the three lakes for the Tri-Lakes Regatta. In late February I was literally invited aboard to check out what the regatta was all about and to gain a greater understanding of the sea scouts themselves. As well as undertaking the usual scout activities and getting involved, on land, in camping, hiking and abseiling, the sea scouts base their activities in, on or around the water in the summer months. It is well known that scouting is no longer just about knot tying and badge work but also about an even greater range of life skills, including responsibility, leadership and caring for one another. I saw every one of these skills on display at the regatta.

I first was taken out with some of the more senior and experienced members of the sea scouts, Tyde and Alex, for a pretty leisurely sail around Lake Ginninderra. There really is no better way to see and experience the lake, and I recommend it to all. IĀ could have stayed out all day, but Tyde and Alex had to get back to compete in the second race of the day. This is really where I saw the skills that the sea scouts impart on display. Kids as young as nine are responsible for racing their boats, sometimes in pairs, sometimes with a few more in the boat. Some of the more experienced members raced faster vessels solo. Many of them did not have an adult with them, but there were many adults supervising around them.

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