Page 1068 - Week 03 - Thursday, 21 March 2019

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(1) What were the reasons for shutting down the Hume Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) from 8 January to 16 January 2019.

(2) What is the Government doing to prevent another shutdown.

(3) How likely is another shutdown at the MRF.

(4) Did the shutdown result in increased volumes of waste at the facility; if yes, what is happening to ensure that increased volumes of waste are quickly dealt with.

(5) What is the facility’s waste capacity.

(6) Where is the excess waste directed.

(7) What is the number and percentage of containers eligible under the Container Deposit Scheme going to the Hume MRF.

(8) What is the amount of waste by tonnage that the Hume MRF took in from outside the ACT (from the Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council area and Snowy Monaro Regional Council area) in the years (a) 2015-16, (b) 2016-17, and (c) 2017-18.

(9) What are the types of waste the Hume MRF took in from outside the ACT (from the Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council area and Snowy Monaro Regional Council area) in the years (a) 2015-16, (b) 2016-17 and (c) 2017-18.

(10) What do the figures in part (9)(a) to (c) represent as a percentage of overall waste at the Hume MRF in the years (a) 2015-16, (b) 2016-17 and (c) 2017-18.

(11) What are the circumstances in which the ACT government, or the MRF refuses material from areas outside the ACT.

(12) What material has been refused from areas outside the ACT in the years (a) 2015-16, (b) 2016-17 and (c) 2017-18.

(13) What were the reasons for refusal for the answer to part (12) above.

Mr Steel: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Worksafe ACT issued a Non-Disturbance Notice at the MRF on Friday 11 January 2019, due to safety issues identified during an inspection. As a result, the MRF was not able to receive material from 11 January to 16 January 2019.

(2) Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) has worked with Worksafe ACT and the MRF operator to rectify the identified safety issues. This includes expanding the area available to the MRF operator to store processed material prior to it going to market, and the engagement by the MRF operator of an onsite safety manager.

(3) The changes made significantly reduce the likelihood of interruption to normal operations in the future.

(4) From 11 to 16 January 2019 no deliveries of material were received at the MRF. The MRF operator was allowed to commence processing of material on site on Tuesday 15 January 2019 and was permitted to receive new deliveries on Thursday 17 January 2019.

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