Page 591 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 2019

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wrote to you have advised that they have heard nothing from you. Minister, why have you not yet responded to all parents who have written to you?

MS BERRY: I refer members to my answers to questions last week on this issue. I did say that there were some people that I had not responded to yet, because of more work that was happening within the school. I wanted to assure myself that the Education Directorate, the school and the community were being supported. Those families will be responded to. I will make sure that they are responded to in time. But I did say that I wanted to make sure that the responses I provided had all the up-to-date information in them.

MR HANSON: Minister, when can those parents expect to hear from you and what direction have you given to the school with regard to those parents who are yet to hear from you?

MS BERRY: I have signed a letter today to one of those families. Sorry, did you say what direction have I given to the school?

Mr Hanson: Yes. You said that you were waiting to hear from the directorate and the school and you were waiting before you wrote because you were waiting for information. Have you been in contact with the school and have you given them any direction?

MADAM SPEAKER: You have asked the question. There is not an exchange across the floor.

Mr Hanson: She asked for a point of clarification. I am just trying to provide that clarity, Madam Speaker.

MADAM SPEAKER: I think you have provided it, Mr Hanson.

MS BERRY: I feel like I am being verballed a bit here. I have said that I was waiting to make sure I had the correct information and the up-to-date information. I was carefully considering my response to those families.

MR PARTON: Minister, given the Assembly’s unified concern about violence at Theodore, will you agree to jointly visit the school with Ms Lee and Minister Rattenbury and if not, why not?

MS BERRY: Since I took that question on notice last week I have reflected on an answer, and my response to that is no. The reason for my saying no to a joint visit is because schools, particularly Theodore primary at the moment, are not places for a bunch of politicians to go in there and ogle at them like it is some weird science experiment. I am not interested in that at a moment in time when the school is going through a period of recovery, which we agree is going to be a difficult time given the stories that have been made public over recent times. That school deserves and is entitled to a chance to recover to get the expert advice from the Education Directorate and others to work on a strong, inclusive and safe school community. That is what I am interested in for Theodore Primary School.

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