Page 423 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 19 February 2019

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opposite can support feral horses and the interests of the New South Wales National Party over the expert advice of scientists and territory rangers. Ignoring expert advice is the only way you can walk into this chamber and support the interests of irrigators in New South Wales over the expert science that shows the needs of the Murray-Darling Basin.

These debates in this place, combined with the Canberra Liberals’ earlier discussions on the taxi industry, make it clear that those members are not here to represent the interests of Canberrans. Those opposite are not the Canberra Liberals; they are the members for special interests outside the ACT.

The Liberals have form on this matter; they have form on ignoring expert advice. Let us just take a look at the federal level. We have had a Liberal Prime Minister who has called climate change “crap”. We have had the Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison federal government bury their heads in the sand and do everything possible to stop action on climate change and pretend it is not happening. We have Liberals who are running conspiracy theories against the Bureau of Meteorology. We have the federal Liberal government ignoring the economic evidence of renewable energy. Like the Liberals here, the federal Liberals pretend that the economy is not in transition.

An evidence-based approach in this place means being honest about the transitions and changes occurring in the economy. Pretending otherwise is failing all Canberrans. As this Ninth Assembly progresses, it is becoming clear that those opposite are not fit to govern. It is becoming clear that the Canberra Liberals are guided by interstate special interests.

Discussion concluded.


Motion (by Mr Gentleman) proposed:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Canberra Indian community celebration

MRS KIKKERT (Ginninderra) (4.03): While late January and early February are still very much summertime in Canberra, in northern India and Bangladesh this is the time of year when people celebrate the arrival of spring. This occurs specifically on the fifth day of the lunar month that is called Magh or Magha. This day is also observed as the birthday of the Hindu goddess Saraswati.

I rise today to publicly thank the Canberra Sanatani Sangha for having invited me to join them at an event that they held recently to worship this goddess. The Saraswati Puja was held two Sundays ago at the Flynn Community Hub in my electorate of Ginninderra. Mr Coe also enjoyed it immensely.

Saraswati is the goddess of learning, knowledge, music, art, science and technology. Gathering together to worship on her birthday is an opportunity for participants to

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