Page 407 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 19 February 2019

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establishing a medically supervised injecting facility in the ACT. We are working to integrate more effective responses within alcohol and other drug services for people who either experience domestic and family violence or who are at risk of using it.

This government is putting people first and not judging and punishing them for their addiction. That is what the majority of people in Canberra, our progressive and compassionate community, expect. We are not afraid to think about and to trial innovative programs and policies that can reduce harm from drugs and alcohol use, particularly when we know that that will contribute to saving lives.

An incident having occurred in the gallery—

MADAM SPEAKER: There should be no disorderly conduct coming from the gallery, thank you.

An incident having occurred in the gallery—

MADAM SPEAKER: That is really disorderly and unacceptable behaviour here. It is more telling about yourself than anything else.

MS CHEYNE: Chief Minister, how is the ACT government sharing information about the benefits of the pill testing trial and its harm minimisation strategies with other jurisdictions?

MR BARR: I am pleased to advise that, following on from the trial that was conducted last year, jurisdictions across the country are interested in learning more about it. The previous trial triggered a tremendous amount of interest from other jurisdictions as they work through their own policy on pill testing and harm minimisation strategies.

To help other Australian states and territories better understand the benefits and the findings from the trial, Minister Fitzharris is inviting government representatives from the other states and territories to come to the ACT to observe the trial and to make up their own minds based on the evidence. This invitation is extended to those sitting opposite, if they are also interested in participating and observing the trial.

We will be commissioning an independent evaluation of the trial, to remove it, we hope, from the party-political debate that we have seen in this place over recent months and years. The ACT government has also provided a paper to the December 2018 Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council meeting, and Minister Fitzharris plans to take a paper to the next COAG Health Council meeting.

The ACT intends to lead the nation on drug law reform and harm minimisation. Pill testing is one way we are saying to Canberra parents that we will do everything we can to keep their sons and daughters safe. We do not, and we will not, apologise for that. We will keep encouraging other jurisdictions to follow our lead so that young people right around our country can make the best and most informed choice to stay safe.

I ask that all further questions be placed on the notice paper.

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