Page 5345 - Week 13 - Thursday, 29 November 2018

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Notify the COMCEN immediately.

o COMCEN will send two teams of Transport Officers to the bus and emergency services if required.

o One team to specifically assist with student duty of care.

o The other team will monitor/assist with bus breakdown/emergency issue.

Advise the COMCEN of the approximate number of students on board and the approximate number of primary and secondary student numbers.

Announce to the students that an alternate bus is on route and will collect them to continue their trip.

Direct students to relocate to a safe area under the driver’s supervision.

Direct the students not to leave the area unless they notify the driver (noting drivers do not have the authority to detain students).

Transport Canberra Field Transport Officers (FTO) are required to:

Once on location FTO’s will be responsible for students until they are transferred to a replacement bus or collected by a parent.

In addition FTO’s must:

o Maintain passenger safety.

o Identify and confirm student numbers from the bus/buses involved.

o Collect details of students affected by the incident.

o Ask students to remain on the bus/or in the area while safe to do so.

o Release students into the care of an identified parent/carer.

§ Notifying COMCEN when this occurs.

o Assist and monitor the transfer of students to replacement services/field vans.

o Notify COMCEN when student transfer is complete.

(2) As school services are treated as a priority the same process is used for all types of students regardless of their ability.

Arts—multicultural theatre
(Question No 2040)

Mrs Kikkert asked the Minister for Business and Regulatory Services, upon notice, on 2 November 2018 (redirected to the Minister for the Arts and Cultural Events):

(1) In what ways does the Canberra Theatre support the multicultural community in the ACT.

(2) What multicultural events and groups has the Canberra Theatre supported and what was the nature of the support provided in (a) 2016-17 and (b) 2017-18.

(3) What multicultural events and groups will the Canberra Theatre be supporting and what will be the nature of the support provided in (a) 2018-19 and (b) 2019-20.

Mr Ramsay: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

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