Page 4769 - Week 12 - Thursday, 1 November 2018

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(2) Approximately 30 drinking fountains in total were installed between 2013-14 and 2014-15 as part of the ‘Healthy Weight Action Plan’. This program prioritised installations in key public locations such as town centres, sporting fields, and schools to replace existing infrastructure that was impaired and to install new infrastructure based on public survey. This program also provided improvements to the drinking refill stations for public events. Final locations were based on public consultation and internal modelling.

(3) The cost per water station was approximately $5,560 while the installation cost for each station ranged between $7,000 and $11,000 depending on the distance to a water main, the costs of tapping into a water main and whether a water meter and other infrastructure was required.

(4) This was an initiative driven by ACT Health while TCCS provided potential locations for placement and arranged installation. Considerations given to the placement of the drinking stations included:

a. If the shopping centre had an existing water fountain;

b. If the area to be considered was a high use shopping centre;

c. Access to water mains and other infrastructure; and

d. Public consultation.

Centenary Hospital for Women and Children—upgrade program
(Question No 1867)

Mrs Dunne asked the Minister for Health and Wellbeing, upon notice, on 21 September 2018:

(1) What specific works were undertaken in the birthing suite refurbishment project at the Centenary Hospital for Women and Children.

(2) Were any of these works related to building defects; if yes, (a) what were they, (b) how much did they cost and (c) why were they not covered under building defects warranty provisions in the relevant construction contracts.

(3) Were any of these works required to rectify damage caused by faults or breakdowns in other building components; if yes, (a) what were the relevant building components, (b) what were the faults or breakdowns, (c) what damage did they cause and how much did the repairs cost.

Ms Fitzharris: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) This project involved works to replace existing spindle extensions with mixing valves and associated works. These works are required to address identified issues within the suite. Both the works and investigation to determine their cause are ongoing.

(2) See (1)

(3) See (1)

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