Page 4702 - Week 12 - Thursday, 1 November 2018

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MS LE COUTEUR (Murrumbidgee) (5.30): The Greens will be supporting the ALP’s amendment. Mr Coe has a concern about whether or not the committee receives information which could be relevant to privacy and safety impacts about, for instance, a new women’s refuge. I understand his view that there is not enough transparency and this is one of the fine-line ones.

In this instance we are erring on the side of the safety of the community. It is a balance and it is a difficult balance. I note that the relevant committee, if it has a reason to be concerned about any particular transactions, obviously can ask the government for more information, which I would trust that the government would hand over appropriate to the safety and discretion of the committee. But there does not seem a need for this to be done on a routine basis. In this instance we will be voting with the ALP rather than the Liberal Party.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 9, as amended, agreed to.

Clauses 10 and 11, by leave, taken together.

MR GENTLEMAN (Brindabella—Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Minister for Planning and Land Management, Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Minister assisting the Chief Minister on Advanced Technology and Space Industries) (5.32), by leave: I move amendments Nos 19 and 20 circulated in my name together [see schedule 1 at page 4717].

Amendments agreed to.

Clauses 10 and 11 omitted from the bill.

Clauses 12 and 13, by leave, taken together and agreed to.

Proposed new part 4A (incorporating new clauses 13A and 13B).

MR GENTLEMAN (Brindabella—Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Minister for Planning and Land Management, Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Minister assisting the Chief Minister on Advanced Technology and Space Industries) (5.34): I move amendment No 21 circulated in my name, which inserts new clauses 13A and 13B [see schedule 1 at page 4717].

New part 4A (incorporating proposed new clauses 13A and 13B) agreed to.

Clause 14 agreed to.

Proposed new part 6.

MR COE (Yerrabi—Leader of the Opposition) (5.34): I move amendment No 1 on the yellow paper circulated in my name (see schedule 4 at page 4720].

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