Page 4472 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 30 October 2018

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MS STEPHEN-SMITH: I thank Ms Cody for the supplementary. In addition to attending one of the events funded through the I-Day grant program people can get involved with any number of events taking place across the territory. I would recommend that everyone check out the event calendar for International Day of People with Disability at and explore the range of public events happening in the community.

People with Disabilities ACT’s annual supplement in the Canberra Times also provides a wealth of information for I-Day, highlighting services, activities and issues facing people with a disability and promoting inclusiveness, equality and the empowerment of people with disabilities. The ACT government is proud to support this publication, which this year will be published on 1 December, ahead of I-Day on 3 December.

I would also encourage clubs, schools, community groups, workplaces, businesses and organisations to think about how they can celebrate the day, including by hosting their own event. The IDPWD website includes event planning kits to help organisations plan the perfect activity and include and celebrate people with disability. Whether it is an arts show highlighting the talents of local artists with disability, an expo showcasing local organisations with a connection to disability, a fundraiser for a local organisation that supports people with disability, an event with a guest speaker with lived experience, or an accessible sporting challenge, you can find out more and register your own event on the IDPWD website.

Again I encourage all Canberrans, including members of this place, to start thinking about how they will celebrate I-Day and use the opportunity to reflect on the contribution that people with disability make to our community and on what each of us can do in our daily lives to promote empowerment of people with disability and ensure an inclusive and equal community here in the ACT.

MR PETTERSSON: Minister, what else is the ACT government doing to empower persons with disabilities and ensure inclusiveness and equality?

MS STEPHEN-SMITH: I thank Mr Pettersson for the supplementary question. Empowering persons with disabilities and ensuring inclusiveness and equality is not just the theme I-Day in 2018 but also a priority across government all year round. This government is committed to ensuring that the services and supports we deliver are accessible and inclusive for people with disability, whether they be education, transport, housing or even our national parks.

This morning I talked about how the housing strategy will promote accessible and adaptable housing and what Housing ACT is already doing to support tenants with a disability to lead ordinary lives with dignity.

The Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate is working with a National Disability Insurance Scheme provider to film and produce a series of virtual reality experiences of nature based activities which will be tailored for people with a disability and others who may not be able to access our parks and reserves directly.

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