Page 4072 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 23 October 2018

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program delivered out of the three child and family centres in collaboration with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The program offers a range of culturally-informed health, early childhood development and parenting services that support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, families and communities. The program includes case management for families with high and complex needs, developmental children’s groups, early intervention and targeted intervention playgroups, and community activities and events.

As part of the program each of the child and family centres delivers group activities in partnership with other community organisations, such as Uniting Care, Gugan Gulwan, The Smith Family, schools and the Belconnen Arts Centre. Examples of these groups include Koori Kids, Deadly Bubs, Strong Women’s Group, Ngunnawal Homework Club, Mums and Bubs Group, and Koori Paint and Play.

In closing, I acknowledge the importance of A step up for our kids to the Canberra community. I look forward to sharing the results of the mid-strategy evaluation and ongoing transformation of the out of home care system with the Assembly in the next progress report. I present the following papers:

Out of Home Care Strategy 2015-2020—A Step Up for Our Kids—One Step Can Make a Lifetime of Difference—Update—October 2018—Ministerial statement, 23 October 2018.

A Step Up for Our Kids—Snapshot Report, as at 9 October 2018.

I move:

That the Assembly take note of the ministerial statement.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

ACT carers strategy

Ministerial statement

MR STEEL (Murrumbidgee—Minister for City Services, Minister for Community Services and Facilities, Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Minister for Roads) (11.37): Last week I officially launched the ACT carers strategy first three-year action plan. Carers make a vital contribution to the fabric of the Canberra community, and this plan is an important milestone in our shared journey in becoming a community that better supports and cares for carers.

I would like to thank the many carers who contributed their time and expertise to help develop the carers strategy and action plan. I would also like to acknowledge Carers ACT, who have driven the work for an ACT carers strategy, and the work of my colleague, Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith, who has championed the inclusion of carers at every step of the process.

The launch of the action plan, fittingly, took place during National Carers Week. I appreciated being able to talk with carers during the event and hear their personal stories. I was humbled by carers’ passion and tireless dedication for the work that they

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