Page 4064 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 23 October 2018

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activities have progressed to support improvements to staff culture and behaviour. And I am pleased to provide an update on these activities today.

The ACT Health Director-General is implementing a number of actions to rebuild the organisation’s culture and values including building a cohesive, values-based executive team and environment where collaboration can thrive, embedding senior cohesive leadership teams, providing training on change, leadership and staff forums to ensure communication and engagement with all levels of staff and developing a new consultation framework and guidelines to improve the way staff are engaged. Through this work the director-general, deputy directors-general and all executive directors have participated in high level workshops focused on rebuilding the organisational culture and the organisational transition. This work will continue.

On 14 August more than 140 leaders from across ACT Health came together for a collaborative leadership event. Throughout the event they discussed the importance of their roles in positively leading ACT Health staff through this time of change. This was followed with an additional forum on 13 September. Both presented an extremely valuable opportunity to bring together senior leaders in the organisation to reflect on the collaborative approach expected to continue across both organisations.

I was disappointed that the opposition’s health spokeswoman sought to rubbish these workshops as a waste of time when, in reality, these are the types of critical leadership forums that lead to cultural improvements, better governance and a more productive workplace for all our health staff. I expected better.

These workshops were an opportunity for the director-general to bring together leaders across both organisations to embed a culture of collaboration, build and reinforce relationships and ensure that leaders are equipped with the tools and the information that they need to successfully lead staff and to take this important information back to their teams to ensure a shared understanding.

In the lead-up to the commissioning of the University of Canberra Hospital a number of successful change management activities were also undertaken throughout May and June. Leaders, managers and staff all attended a number of workshops to help support them through the transition and give staff the opportunity to provide valuable feedback on culture and values. This feedback was used by UCH leaders and managers to formulate the UCH culture charter.

I am pleased to report that these activities were well received and much appreciated by all involved. UCH staff have indicated that these workshops assisted in the transition and elevated discussion to create positive workplace culture and values-driven behaviours at UCH. The same successful model of change transition will be used for staff affected by the organisational transition. Workshops for leaders, managers and staff are currently being scheduled. The director-general continues to conduct bi-monthly staff forums which are well attended by staff and, in addition, the transition office is utilising communication to ensure consistency and that critical messages are relayed to all staff.

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