Page 3991 - Week 10 - Thursday, 20 September 2018

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of damage or injury to people and vehicles from road fragments and (ii) any further wear on tyres than if a higher standard of road applied.

(4) Was a professional risk assessment and risk management plan commissioned in relation to the above matters; if so, can the Minister provide it; if not, why not.

Mr Steel: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Roads ACT utilised the Austroads Guides to Pavement Technology and Asset Management as well as the Roads and Maritime Services NSW specifications for pavement maintenance contracts. Roads ACT developed and follows its ‘Pavement Visual Inspection Manual’ for the inspection of municipal streets like Sternberg Crescent. This manual was developed based on national and international guidelines and is attached at Attachment A.

(2) The guidance documents referred to above apply internationally, nationally, NSW-wide and locally, as indicated.

(3) Roads ACT undertake a comprehensive inspection program to monitor the condition of all road surfaces on a three year cycle which included Sternberg Crescent. Resealing and asphalt treatments are widely applied in the ACT and other jurisdictions to provide the necessary balance between durability, skid resistance, noise generation and tyre wear. In the case of resealing, the initial application results in some residual loose material (stones) which is removed by sweeping a number of times in the following days and weeks.

(4) Prior to the commencement of the intersection upgrade of Sternberg Crescent a professional risk assessment and risk management plan was undertaken by the Contractor engaged to undertake the upgrade works. This reports covered the entire project, including the road surface prior to the works being undertaken. This report can be provided if required.

(A copy of the attachment is available at the Chamber Support Office).

Government—lease arrangements
(Question No 1608)

Ms Lawder asked the Treasurer, upon notice, on 3 August 2018 (redirected to the Minister for Community Services and Facilities):

(1) How many peppercorn leases are currently subleased.

(2) Can the Minister provide a list of which lease areas are currently subleased and to who.

Mr Steel: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:



Number of peppercorn leases currently sub-leased

Access Canberra


ACT Health


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