Page 3921 - Week 10 - Thursday, 20 September 2018

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Mr Coe: We are as shocked at your elevation as you are.

MS BERRY: Thank you, that is really charming! You are showing great leadership there, Mr Coe.

MADAM SPEAKER: To the question, Ms Berry.

MS BERRY: A great example to people in the ACT of what a great future leader you aspire to be.

Opposition members interjecting—

MS BERRY: And thank you, everyone else, for your interjections as well. That is always helpful. I will take the detail of that question on notice and bring some more information back to the chamber.

MRS KIKKERT: Minister, why did your government continue to promote its skilled nominated visa scheme to international students even after you knew that it was oversubscribed?

MS BERRY: I will take that question on notice too.

MS LEE: Minister, did that discussion come up in cabinet?

MS BERRY: That is a matter for cabinet.

ACT Health—records

MRS DUNNE: My question is to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing. Minister, since 1 August have any records in any area of ACT Health been lost, destroyed or otherwise disposed of, or concealed? If so, what records, and why?

MS FITZHARRIS: Not to my knowledge.

MRS DUNNE: Minister, can you guarantee that all records in all areas of ACT Health will be preserved and available to the review panel for the duration of its inquiry into workplace culture in ACT Health? If not, why?

MS FITZHARRIS: I am sorry, I did not hear the first part of the question properly.

MRS DUNNE: I am happy to repeat the question.


MRS DUNNE: Minister, will you guarantee that all records in all areas of ACT Health will be preserved and available to the review panel for the duration of its inquiry into workplace culture in ACT Health? If not, why?

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