Page 3757 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 19 September 2018

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(c) the examples of commentary from ACHS in its final accreditation of ACT Health include:

(i) ‘the engagement and ownership of the problems and solutions to the recommendations by staff at all levels was clearly demonstrated to the surveyors’;

(ii) ‘systems and processes put in place over the last few months, will assist staff and the leader’s confidence to drive towards excellence and safety in all patient care services’; and

(iii) ‘Over the past few months the organisation has changed dramatically, implementing sustainable systems and processes that provide direction and strong governance from both a corporate and clinical governance perspective. The surveyors would like to acknowledge the extensive work done by the staff across ACT Health plus the leadership to achieve this result. They demonstrate commitment and focus to drive sustainable positive change in the culture of the organisation.’;

(d) the continued commitment of all staff across ACT Health to delivering high quality health care to the Canberra community;

(e) ACT Health is progressing towards separation of the organisation into two entities from 1 October which will further support the organisation to deliver high quality patient care and a positive staff culture;

(f) the Australian Medical Association ACT’s call for a board of inquiry into ACT Health with the support of the Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation and the ACT Visiting Medical Officers Association; and

(g) the substantial cost of a full board of inquiry (or royal commission) to Government and to those appearing before such an inquiry;

(2) further notes:

(a) that the ACT Government has announced an Independent Review into the workplace culture in the delivery of public healthcare services in the ACT and that:

(i) the ACT Government has made commitments that the review will be independent, people who wish to come forward will be protected, and that a final report will be made public; and

(ii) the ACT Government is finalising a Terms of Reference and members of an independent panel and will make further announcements in the immediate future;

(b) the ACT Government has also announced the establishment of a Clinical Leadership Forum for clinical leaders to advise on health services planning and infrastructure, clinical culture, and training and education;

(c) the Minister for Health and Wellbeing has engaged with a wide range of stakeholders and individuals regarding the Independent Review;

(d) the support of a range of health care leaders, stakeholders and representative bodies for the Government’s Independent Review; and

(e) the purpose of the Independent Review is to provide clear recommendations to improve workplace culture in the delivery of public health care services to the ACT community; and

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