Page 3490 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 22 August 2018

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I drove home and called my husband to come straight home as jakk was in trouble.

When I returned home there was a crowd of people out the front of the house with 2 people running out of my garage carrying jack to their car covered in blood. I found out they were animal services and they had jumped the fence to get to jack and got him out via the garage. They asked where to take jakk and as we have only been living in Canberra for 6 months I was unsure. They advised there was a vet in our suburb (Monash) and they would take him there.

As I spoke with the crowd of people (my neighbours whom we had never met until this day) I learned that the 3 dogs that were next door had dug under the fence and attacked jakk, then after jakk had no fight left in him they retreated back into their own yard. The animal services and neighbours had gone into the yard previously to myself getting home and covered up the hole. They advised me not to go into the yard or get the kids out of the car as the backyard was covered in blood and did not want to scare my 3-year-old or upset myself (The dogs were viciously barking in their own yard at everyone outside).

I did go into the yard with animal services as they took pictures (for evidence) and what I saw was devastating. I could see where the dogs had entered under our fence (where my 3-year-old plays) then they had cornered jakk down the side of the house as there was blood all over the fence and ground and that’s where the neighbours had seen the dogs attacking jakk. Then the 3 dogs retreated and there is a trail where jakk has made it up to the top of the stairs and he tried to get inside as there were paw prints on the back door then a puddle of blood where he just laid to bleed out.

We spent the afternoon making statements with the neighbours to animal services and found out there have been many incidents with the dogs previously to us being here.

The vet rang us late in the afternoon and we picked up jack to bring him home he had 33 stitches all over his body and 2 drains in his legs he was immense pain but happy to see us. We spent the whole following week 24 hours a day at home (my husband took time off work to) we had to carry jakk to go to the toilet outside as he couldn’t walk as his back legs were ripped apart and he was on antibiotics and strong pain killers. My husband and I had to clean his wounds 3 times a day and we even slept in separate beds to be close to jakk throughout the night.

Jakk had to go to the vet every 3 days to be monitored. By the end of the second week jakk’s legs were swollen and started to smell, when he went in for a check-up he was put into emergency surgery. We waited all afternoon and were unsure if he would return. We received the phone call to collect him (this was after hours). We were told he had severe infection from the bites to his legs and that his muscle and tissues in his back-right legs were severely and that we had to take it day by day. More drains were placed in his legs and he was unable to walk.

Check-ups were still every 3 days or so at the vet.

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