Page 3427 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 22 August 2018

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MADAM SPEAKER: I can reflect on it, and in the answer there is reference to the work that has been done with the clubs to make them more diverse in their income and sustainable. Minister, you have 42 seconds.

Mrs Dunne: I am sorry, Madam Speaker, on the point of order, Mr Wall’s supplementary question was: how many employees of licensed clubs will lose their jobs as a result of the new taxes and charges and increases to existing taxes, charges and rates? The question was: how many will lose their jobs? I ask you to ask the minister to be directly relevant to that question.

MADAM SPEAKER: I am not proposing to, Mrs Dunne. He is on the policy area and the impact of the new charges and taxes and I cannot, other than being relevant, direct the minister how to answer the question.

Mrs Dunne: On the point of order, Madam Speaker, you can, and there is practice in this place for sitting down a minister who is not directly relevant.

MADAM SPEAKER: I am aware of that practice, Mrs Dunne.

Mr Gentleman: On the point of order, Madam Speaker, you have given your ruling. Mrs Dunne is trying to debate that position. If she wishes, there is an opportunity for her to do that by substantive motion.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Gentleman. Minister, you have 42 seconds left.

MR RAMSAY: In conclusion, I reject the premise of Mr Wall’s supplementary question.

Clubs—community contributions

MR HANSON: My question is to the Minister for Regulatory Services. Minister, currently many veterans organisations receive support through the community contributions of our clubs. Can you guarantee that every veterans group that currently receives support will continue to receive the same level of support under the new scheme?

MR RAMSAY: I thank Mr Hanson for the question. The strange contradiction that comes from the Canberra Liberals on this one is that they want the government to be able to guarantee particular grants, particular amounts, which are currently within the discretion of the clubs, and at the same stage they would like us not to take over any of that discretion. The only way that the government could guarantee that what has happened in the past continues to happen would be for the government to make sure all of the money came in—

Mr Hanson: Madam Speaker, on a point of order—

MADAM SPEAKER: Stop the clock.

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