Page 3241 - Week 08 - Thursday, 16 August 2018

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(2) What was the estimated public attendance at this event.

(3) Can the Minister specify which community run indigenous organisations that participated in this event.

(4) Were any individual performers or participants paid for their role in the event.

Mr Barr: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:




Operational costs


Infrastructure costs


Program costs




Marketing/campaign external


Staff overtime (Events ACT)


Staff overtime (CSD)






(2) The estimated attendance was 8,000 across the event duration. This calculation is based on crowd density per square metre (4 people), crowd flow for ingress and egress, and comparative estimates with other event venues e.g. Civic Square on New Year’s Eve. These movements are monitored by the event team throughout the day.

(3) The following community Indigenous organisations participated in the event:



Burrunju Art Gallery

Indigenous Community

United Ngunnawal Elders Council

Indigenous Community


Indigenous Commercial


Indigenous Non-Government Organisation

Reconciliation Australia

Indigenous Non-Government Organisation

(4) All performers were paid in accordance with their individual fees. Some activities such as Making Peas/ce and the ACT Schools Reconciliation Challenge were funded by grants that enabled their participation. Exhibitors were not paid, however they received a marquee at the event free of charge (paid for out of the event budget).

Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders—programs
(Question No 1560)

Mr Milligan asked the Minister for Corrections, upon notice, on 8 June 2018:

(1) Given that Tjillari Justice Aboriginal Corporation is an important service provider for indigenous cultural and training programs, and that there is no agreement in place, can the Minister confirm if Tjillari will be engaged to deliver additional programs at the Alexander Maconochie Centre in the financial year 2018-19.

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