Page 2965 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 15 August 2018

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MRS DUNNE: Minister, how many senior executive positions will exist in ACT Health and the Canberra Hospital and health services when the new structure starts in October?

MS FITZHARRIS: That precise number has not been completed yet. I am pleased to advise the Assembly that progress on the transition of ACT Health to two organisations is proceeding very well. In fact, just yesterday, well over 100 leaders within the ACT Health Directorate came together to discuss with each other the significant progress that has been made, on behalf of the leadership and staff of the ACT Health Directorate. Reports from yesterday’s event were that there was a high level of engagement and a high level of discussion about the enormous opportunity that this provides to ACT Health, particularly because everybody in that room is a dedicated professional, and very engaged with the most senior levels of leadership in ACT Health. They will take the discussions held yesterday back into their teams right across the directorate and discuss with their teams right across the directorate all the opportunities that will be made available to staff to engage in and inform the transition to two new organisations on 1 October.

MISS C BURCH: Minister, why do we have a situation where the cost of ACT health senior executive salaries grew by a third in one year, yet performance in emergency department and elective surgery wait times fell?

MS FITZHARRIS: As I said in my previous answer, the cost increased because there were more positions.

Budget—support for emergency services

MR STEEL: My question is to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services. Minister, how is the government supporting the ACT Ambulance Service?

MR GENTLEMAN: I thank Mr Steel for the question and for his interest in the safety of all Canberrans on our front line. I am delighted to discuss the support that the ACT government is providing to the hardworking men and women of the ACT Ambulance Service. These individuals are the team that helps Canberrans at their time of greatest need: when the unforeseen occurs. We have an excellent Ambulance Service, one that is among the best, if not the best, in the country. This is borne out by the facts: the fastest response times in the nation and the highest levels of patient satisfaction as well.

While they are great at their jobs, Madam Speaker, I recognise that it is a difficult job and that we need to support ACTAS. You and I both know what it is like doing shiftwork. They work very hard. That is why the government is reviewing crewing. We are also looking through a blueprint for change, a process to help ACTAS as our city grows. In addition, we are delivering more staff and new ambulances.

This year’s budget builds on our support for this great service, with a $4.6 million investment to enhance the ACTAS vehicle fleet. This includes providing electronic stretchers and power loaders to reduce the physical demands on our paramedics and

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