Page 2852 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 14 August 2018

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It is consistent, in the feedback from Canberrans in previous consultations, and from every efficient, well-operated bus service in Australia and around the world, that we need to head down a path of more frequent, more reliable and faster services. That is what the proposed 2019 network delivers. We will be taking on board the consultation feedback that we have received. There is a lot of it. It is being analysed at the moment, and we look forward to sharing that further with the Canberra community when that process is completed.

Roads—Gundaroo Drive

MR MILLIGAN: My question is to the Minister for Transport and City Services. Minister, stage 1 of the Gundaroo Drive duplication was announced in March 2016 following a petition from the community with more than 1,000 signatures. The cost of this project was estimated at $31.1 million, with completion expected in mid-2017. Minister, why is the community of Gungahlin still suffering through stage 1 roadworks and the disruption of this expensive and overdue project?

MS FITZHARRIS: I thank Mr Milligan for the question and note that this project is a standing item on the agenda that I have with Transport Canberra and City Services. As I have mentioned previously and publicly, I am immensely frustrated by the delays in this project, of which there have been many. Currently the project is struggling. I myself tabled that petition to Minister Gentleman when he was the minister for roads. I know full well—I travel this road virtually every day—what a significant impost this is on Gungahlin residents. I am doing everything I can to make sure that this project is delivered as swiftly and as safely as possible.

MR MILLIGAN: Minister, when will the disruption for Gungahlin commuters end? What are you doing to engage with the residents who live next to this non-stop construction?

MS FITZHARRIS: The most recent advice was that it was the end of September. There are currently discussions underway about whether that time frame can be met. I do not have an update yet but I expect to have one later in the week. Transport Canberra and the contractors on site are keeping in touch with local residents.

I would note that I do absolutely appreciate the disruption to them. Many years ago I lived on the street adjacent to this. I know what it must be like and I know what it is like for the tens of thousands of Gungahlin residents in particular who have to use this road. It is immensely frustrating. I am incredibly frustrated. I want to see the project completed as soon as possible.

MR COE: Minister, why are there gaps in the sound wall backing onto the houses in Ngunnawal and are there any problems that have been discovered for stage 2?

MS FITZHARRIS: I am happy to answer two more questions contained in the third on this topic. There are gaps in the—I am not sure which parts of the road Mr Coe is referring to—Margany Close retaining wall as well as in the Kurrama Close wall. Those gaps are so that pedestrians can enter and exit onto the shared path along Gundaroo Drive, if those are the gaps to which Mr Coe is referring.

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