Page 2506 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 1 August 2018

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Leave of absence

Motion (by Mr Gentleman) agreed to:

That leave of absence be granted to Ms Fitzharris to attend an interstate ministerial council meeting for today and tomorrow.

Motion (by Mr Wall) agreed to:

That leave of absence be granted to Mr Hanson for today for personal reasons.

Australian Space Agency

MS CHEYNE (Ginninderra) (12.03): I move:

That this Assembly:

(1) notes that the global space industry is growing exponentially, and Canberra is best placed in Australia to support the Australian Space Agency with strong government partnerships, links to nation-leading education and research institutions, and existing world-class space technology and infrastructure;

(2) acknowledges that Canberra has played a vital role in the invigoration of the space industry in Australia in recent years, and has provided leadership in the national conversation on the space industry, including by:

(a) successfully arguing for the establishment of the first Australian Space Agency;

(b) investing $375 000 to help establish a space mission design facility to bring together industry, agencies and the research sector to rapidly design and validate the technical and economic viability of space missions;

(c) providing $1 million over the last three years to leading education institutions in Canberra to strengthen Canberra’s space sector;

(d) providing $250 000 in funding to enable free access to the largest space testing facilities in the country; and

(e) committing to investing $9.75 million over the next three years in stimulus and innovative infrastructure projects under the Priority Investment Program;

(3) notes that:

(a) the Chief Minister has met with the newly appointed head of the Space Agency to advocate for Canberra as the logical permanent home of the Agency; and

(b) Federal Labor has committed to permanently basing the Agency headquarters in Canberra should it win the next election;

(4) further notes the co-location of the Australian Space Agency with key Commonwealth departments in Canberra enables the Agency to effectively carry out its primary role of coordinating Australia’s space policy, in particular:

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