Page 2464 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 31 July 2018

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I can provide another Giralang shops update, notably more exciting than those previously.

Last Thursday we reached a significant milestone in the lengthy development process for Giralang shops. Minister Gentleman announced the approval of the development under his call-in powers as the Minister for Planning and Land Management. As a former resident of Giralang and now local member, I understand the frustration that has surrounded this development for more than 15 years. The local community has grown tired of the lack of action to progress the construction of the shops, so upon being elected I knew this was something I needed to address.

The developer’s initial plans for the site were not supported by the local community due to concerns with height, the impact on the local area and general dissatisfaction with the proposed spaces for public use. Once the developer revised his plans and presented these to the community through the restart Giralang information campaign, it became clear that the developer, the community and the government would be able to work together to deliver shops for Giralang.

Throughout the restart Giralang community consultation process, I strongly advocated for Giralang residents to be involved every step of the way. In my meetings with the shops developer, I continued to present the ideas and concerns that Giralang residents had raised with me. I am pleased that the developer listened seriously.

Giralang residents were also able to provide their feedback directly to the developer in two community meetings held at the Giralang community house and the Giralang Primary School hall. I would like to acknowledge the developer for agreeing to undertake such an engaging approach, and I thank the community for sharing their feedback and once again raising their voices. The now-approved development application includes a 1,000-square metre supermarket, commercial and residential tenancies, parking both underground and at Menkar Close and improvements to the existing carpark at Giralang Primary School.

Since the former shops were closed more than 15 years ago, Giralang residents have always wanted a shops precinct to return to the heart of their suburb. I know that locals want shops that meet the needs of everyone and I am confident that the approved DA will deliver that for Giralang. Over the coming months I will be speaking with the developer to ensure everything is on track for construction to commence and to ensure that the community is kept in the loop as the development process continues. I am excited by this significant milestone. I look forward to meeting with locals down at the shops once they are completed.

Ms Sophia Hamblin Wang

MS CHEYNE (Ginninderra) (6.01): Every day we see countless women around the world and around us achieving truly incredible things at home, in sport, at work and in every field. In a world dominated by men, women are proving again and again that they are just as capable—capable of taking charge and generally knocking out of the park as well.

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