Page 2440 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 31 July 2018

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I am pleased that next year Canberra will continue to celebrate and recognise the achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people when it hosts the 2019 national NAIDOC awards ceremony. Hosting the national NAIDOC awards gives Canberra a unique opportunity to share with the country the beautiful place we live in and to celebrate the rich history, cultures and achievements of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and, in particular, the Ngunnawal people. I look forward to updates on the progress of this event in the months to come, including from our local NAIDOC Week committee chair, the indomitable Jo Chivers.

Too often the achievements of women and, in particular, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are glossed over. The opportunity to pay tribute to the women who have quietly worked behind the scenes through to the women leading communities and organisations was embraced by people across the country. The floodgates opened.

One final woman I would like to recognise is this year’s Barnardos mother of the year, Noelene Lever. Now 78 years old, Noelene has dedicated her life to caring for children. Over the years Noelene has fostered more than 50 children and her door never closes. The spirit of this year’s NAIDOC theme is echoed by the words of one of Noelene’s foster children, 39-year-old Serena. Noelene began caring for Serena when she was just two weeks old. In the words of Serena:

My mother is my role model and I am the woman I am today because of her. She always made sure that I knew where I came from. This was very important because she didn’t want me to lose my connection with my family. By doing this, she gave me the knowledge of my identity—of who I am and where I belong.

To the mothers, sisters, aunties and grandmothers, thank you. Because of you so, many can. I thank Ms Cody for bringing this matter of public importance to the Assembly.

Discussion concluded.

Prostitution Amendment Bill 2018

Detail stage

Debate resumed.

MRS DUNNE (Ginninderra) (4.33): I seek leave to move amendments Nos 1 to 19 circulated in my name together; they were not circulated to members in accordance with standing order 178A.

Leave granted.

MRS DUNNE: I move amendments Nos 1 to 19 together [see schedule 1 at page 2466]. I thank members for leave and I apologise to members that, because of a snafu in my office which was entirely my fault, the amendments did not get to the Clerk’s office in time to comply with standing order 178A.

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