Page 2299 - Week 06 - Thursday, 7 June 2018

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1. The number of households assumed for feed-in tariff pass-through cost purposes is based on a forecast by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), catalogue 3236 (Table 1.23, Series II), with the prediction of the future number of ACT households in the table below.







Number of households






2. The total number of households forecast by the ABS is made up of family households, group households and lone person households. The background on household assumptions made by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in catalogue 3236 can be found at:

3. The total number of ACT households for energy policy considerations and projections is based on the forecasts made by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (see answer to part (1)), further information about the ABS’s catalogue 3236 forecast is available on the link provided in the answer to part (2).

Energy—feed-in tariff cost
(Question No 1323)

Mr Coe asked the Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability, upon notice, on 13 April 2018:

(1) What is the total Feed-In Tariff cost paid in (a) 2013-14, (b) 2014-15, (c) 2015-16, (c) 2016-17 and (d) 2017-18 to date to the generators of (i) Royalla Solar Farm, (ii) Maoneng Solar Park, (iii) Williamsdale Solar Park, (iv) Ararat wind farm, (v) Coonooer Bridge wind farm, (vi) Hornsdale 1 wind farm, (vii) Hornsdale 2 wind farm, (viii) Sapphire 1 wind farm, (ix) Hornsdale 3 wind farm and (x) Crookwell 2 wind farm.

(2) What is the projected total Feed-In Tariff cost paid in (a) 2017-18, (b) 2018-19, (c) 2019-20 and (d) 2020-21 to the generators of (i) Royalla Solar Farm, (ii) Maoneng Solar Park, (iii) Williamsdale Solar Park, (iv) Ararat wind farm, (v) Coonooer Bridge wind farm, (vi) Hornsdale 1 wind farm, (vii) Hornsdale 2 wind farm, (viii) Sapphire 1 wind farm, (ix) Hornsdale 3 wind farm and (x) Crookwell 2 wind farm.

Mr Rattenbury: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

1. Total feed-in tariff costs paid to Royalla Solar Farm, Maoneng Solar Park, Williamsdale Solar Farm, Ararat Wind Farm, Coonooer Bridge Wind Farm and Hornsdale 1 Wind Farm in the financial years requested are given in the answer to question no. 1321 part (2), the other generators are yet to commence feed-in tariff supported generation (Sapphire Wind Farm commenced feed-in tariff supported generation in May 2018).

2. Projected feed-in tariff payments of the wind and solar farms supported by ACT feed-in tariffs are below. 2017-18 payments are for the second half of that financial year (from 1 January), 2017-18 feed-in tariff payments to 31 December 2017 are listed in the answer to question 2321 part (2).

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