Page 2215 - Week 06 - Thursday, 7 June 2018

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Unlike those opposite, we believe that investment in our city is a good thing. We believe that when people from abroad want to invest in Australia, we should be encouraging them to invest in Canberra. This goes for property as it goes for other industries.

That is why the government’s tax on foreign investment is wrong. We voted against it in opposition and we will repeal it in government. In fact, rather than making it hard to supply rental properties in Canberra, we should be doing the opposite. We should be making it easier to supply rental properties in Canberra.

Over the last 10 years the ACT government have received $1.3 billion—that is $1,300,000 million—more revenue than they expected in their budgets. Year on year, the ACT government have had record revenue windfalls that have simply been gobbled up by their inability to stick to their own budget.

Imagine if we had this $1.3 billion invested in a future fund. Imagine if we were building up a fund to assist with economic downturns or major infrastructure needs, rather than squandering the gains as they have done. We need a government that takes only what it needs and makes wise investments for the future.

Madam Speaker, this government leave behind them a trail of people that are worse off from a policy mix that puts itself ahead of the public interest—be it house owners, unit owners, renters, the homeless, Aboriginals, small business people, drivers, nurses, doctors, police, paramedics and so many others.

All these people, all these cohorts, are being let down by this government because this is a government that takes them for granted. Whether it is financial policy, social support, public administration or employment, this government does not back Canberrans. They are more interested in propping up Labor and CFMEU property deal than actually backing the people that pay the bills.

Canberra should be a place where people can start a business with more confidence than anywhere else, where they can buy or rent a house that is actually affordable, where Aboriginal people are not falling behind. Ultimately, we want a government to focus on the core business of government and get out of the way of people wanting to live their own lives.

Canberra must be a place where people can achieve their aspirations rather than have to spend all day jumping through government hoops. Working towards the abolition of payroll tax, capping rates, planning for a future fund and removing the shackles of regulations should be priorities of the national capital.

Madam Speaker, in conclusion, the Canberra I want to see is a city where people can afford to live in the place that they love; a city where people can find jobs that suit them, their skills and their family; a city where local businesses are valued and supported; a city that is safe, where we have safety nets to help people get back on their feet; a city that prioritises service delivery, not regulations; a city that empowers

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