Page 2016 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 5 June 2018

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From 1 July 2019, first homebuyers with a household income below $160,000 will pay no stamp duty, whether they are buying an established property or a newly built home.

At the same time, we will abolish the payment of First Home Owner Grants. A range of experts and long-run analysis has found the grants have not been effective in helping first homebuyers enter the housing market.

In fact, they can actually make housing less affordable by inflating people’s borrowing power and channelling too much demand into one small segment of the market.

Together, these changes will help more Canberrans buy their first home, sooner.

More places at our local schools and faster front-line health care

We know that great local schools and easy to access, high quality health care are two of the things that matter most to Canberrans.

The ACT Government already invests an average of $10,000 for every Canberra household on delivering health care through our hospitals and local health services. We provide $7,600 per household to deliver quality local public schools attended by over 46½ thousand students and that employ 3,800 teachers.

This Budget will grow our investment with more places for kids at new and expanded schools and a major new investment in front-line hospital services, nurses and doctors.

We are delivering on our commitment to build a new primary school in Molonglo, which will provide places for 600 students from Kindergarten to Year 6 as well as a preschool and early learning centre. The school will be ready to take students from the start of the 2021 school year, while the funding delivered through this Budget will also support the preparation of services for a future Year 7 to 10 campus on the same site.

As the next big frontier of our city’s growth, the Government is committed to making sure services are ready and available in Molonglo as more people move into that region.

We are also expanding capacity at four schools in Gungahlin so that kids can continue to find a place at a great local school, close to home. We will deliver capacity for an additional 500 students across Amaroo School, Gold Creek and Neville Bonner Primary, as well as expanding the Franklin Early Childhood School so that current students can continue on past Year 2. We will also continue the planning work that is underway for another new school to cater for Gungahlin’s ongoing growth.

At the same time as delivering new and better school facilities, we are also investing in more teachers and support staff.

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