Page 1963 - Week 05 - Thursday, 10 May 2018

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(2) This section does not apply to—

(a) an animal accompanying a person with a disability that is trained to help the person alleviate the effect of the disability;


(b) an animal being trained to help alleviate the effect of a disability.

Note If a person is treated unfavourably because the person is accompanied by an animal trained to help the person alleviate the effect of a disability, the person is discriminated against (see Discrimination Act 1991, s 5AA).

The TCCS website also states within the Code of Conduct for Travel on Buses within the ACT that passengers must not bring animals onto the bus except in accordance with the Regulation and accredited operator's policy as outlined above.

In practice, the carriage of small domestic animals is generally permitted by drivers if secured in an appropriate animal carrier and considering the comfort of other passengers.

With respect to the Million Paws Walk, Transport Canberra does not propose to encourage the transport of domestic pets on buses for this event. The number of dogs involved, particularly where they are simultaneously enclosed on individual buses, may reasonably be expected to risk the amenity of other users.

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre—staffing

Ms Rachel Stephen-Smith (in reply to a supplementary question by Ms Lee on Thursday, 12 April 2018):

An operational lockdown is where a decision has been made to secure all or some young people in their rooms for a period of time. While in their rooms, young people have access to reading and education material as well as television including movies.

As at 12 April 2018, 61 operational lockdowns have occurred at Bimberi Youth Justice Centre in 2018.

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