Page 1888 - Week 05 - Thursday, 10 May 2018

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(2) What is the total of number of vehicles passing through this area that have been speed-checked in the past 2 years and how many of these vehicles were found to be driving (a) within or (b) in excess of 10km/hr above the prescribed speed limit.

(3) What safety measures will the government take to reduce speeding and improve road safety in this area.

(4) Will the government consider reducing the speed limit in this area; if so, when will a decision be made; if not, why not and what alternatives will the government provide to improve safety and reduce speeding in this area.

(5) Will the government consider installing speed humps in this area; if so, when will a decision be made; if not, why not and what alternatives will the government provide to improve safety and reduce speeding in this area.

Ms Fitzharris: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Traffic surveys on arterial roads are generally programmed once in every four to five years. Not every mid-block section has speed data. Currently there is no data for the mid-block section of Ginninderra Drive (between Kingsford Smith Drive and Companion Crescent). A traffic survey in this mid-block is planned for May 2018.

(2) There were 91 occasions where the speed camera vans monitored the area of Ginninderra Drive (between Kingsford Smith Drive and Companion Crescent) in the past two year period and a total of 52,664 vehicles had their speed checked.

(a) Four of these vehicles were found to be driving within 10km/hr above the prescribed speed limit.

(b) 13 of these vehicles were found to be driving in excess of 10km/hr above the prescribed speed limit.

The counts refer to vehicles that have been issued with infringements and exclude speed checks and infringements issued by ACT Policing.

(3) The planned survey in May 2018 on this mid-block will determine the level of travel speeds and if speed management measures may be required.

(4) Generally all speed limits are determined by the function of the road.

Ginninderra Drive is an arterial road and its main function is to move large volumes of traffic between town districts. In this context the current 80 km/h speed limit is appropriate. The planned survey will assist in the determination of the current travel speeds for this section of Ginninderra Drive and any enforcement strategies if required.

(5) Ginninderra Drive is an arterial road with a posted speed limit of 80km/h with no driveway access points, carrying approximately 17,000 vehicles per day. Installing speed humps would be inappropriate for this road environment and a potential hazard to the motorist using this road. As part of the local area traffic management study in Flynn, Charnwood and Fraser, Companion Crescent was identified for the installation of speed cushions. These are planned to be installed by the end of 2018.

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