Page 1588 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 8 May 2018

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MS CODY (Murrumbidgee) (3.37): On behalf of the committee, I am sure it will be an interesting inquiry. We are looking forward to hearing from the people that have already provided submissions. As a committee I am sure we will be able to come to some arrangement with regard to people that have written submissions in the past and how they can be resubmitted to this inquiry.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Community Services Directorate—freedom of information request

Paper and statement by minister

MS BERRY (Ginninderra—Deputy Chief Minister, Minister for Education and Early Childhood Development, Minister for Housing and Suburban Development, Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, Minister for Women and Minister for Sport and Recreation) (3.37): I present the following paper:

Freedom of Information Act, pursuant to section 39—Copy of notice provided to the Ombudsman—Community Services Directorate—Freedom of Information request—Decision not made in time, dated 3 May 2018.

I seek leave to make a statement.

Leave granted.

MS BERRY: The notice is required when an FOI decision is not made within the statutory time allowed and is taken to be a refusal to give access to the information. An FOI access application was received by the Community Services Directorate on 13 March 2017 for personal information relating to a housing tenant and was due to the applicant on 19 April 2018 after a one-week extension.

Due to the complexities with the individual’s case, the directorate asked the applicant for additional time to process this application, which was not granted. Therefore, on 16 April 2018 the directorate applied to the Ombudsman seeking a 15-working-day extension. The extension of time was denied by the Ombudsman on 19 April 2018. The directorate will continue to deal with the application and give notice of a decision on the application.


Discussion of matter of public importance

MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Ms Lee): Madam Speaker has received letters from Miss C Burch, Ms Cheyne, Ms Cody, Mr Hanson, Mrs Kikkert, Ms Le Couteur, Ms Lee, Ms Orr, Mr Parton, Mr Pettersson and Mr Steel proposing that matters of public importance be submitted to the Assembly. In accordance with standing order 79, Madam Speaker has determined that the matter proposed by Ms Le Couteur be submitted to the Assembly, namely:

The importance of bees to the ACT’s environment and economy.

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