Page 1476 - Week 04 - Thursday, 12 April 2018

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(2) Can you provide details of this consultation.

(3) How many of the 705 online submissions requested a dive pool or diving facilities be incorporated into this development.

(4) What is the current status of the Canberra Olympic Pool with regards to leaks and repairs.

(5) Are you aware that the Canberra Olympic Pool does not meet FINA competition standards for diving.

(6) Are there any plans to upgrade the existing dive facilities at the Canberra Olympic Pool.

(7) When will the Government build a new indoor dive pool in Canberra.

Ms Berry: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Active Canberra, within the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate, met with the Canberra Diving Academy on 15 December 2016 as part of the community consultation process on potential additional facilities for the Stromlo Leisure Centre. Active Canberra also met with eight other community sport and recreation groups.

(2) At the meeting with the Canberra Diving Academy, they were advised that it was unlikely that a dive pool could be delivered within the available budget, but the facility would be designed to allow for future expansion at a later stage. They were also asked a series of questions, which were put to all the community sport and recreation groups that were consulted. The questions and a summary of their responses are at Attachment A. The Canberra Diving Academy also provided a submission as part of the community consultation process.

(3) The community consultation process provided eight different facility components for the community to place in order of preference. Overall, the dive pool ranked fifth with 117 votes as first preference, 70 votes as second preference, 69 votes as third preference, 87 votes as fourth preference, 83 votes as fifth preference, 89 votes as sixth preference, 98 votes as seventh preference and 91 votes as eighth preference.

(4) The Canberra Olympic Pool continues to leak despite the various attempts to repair the leaks. Each time leak repairs have been undertaken they have temporarily reduced the leaks only for the leaks to increase again over time. The most recent leak repairs were completed whilst the pool was closed for two weeks in September 2016. Based on the water bill from the second quarter of 2017-18, it is estimated that the Canberra Olympic Pool is losing approximately 30kL/day in water.

(5) Yes. The five metre and 10 metre platforms are only five metres in length and current FINA standards require six metres. The platforms are also only 2.6 metres wide when FINA requirements are 2.9 metres for the five metre diving platform and three metres for the 10 metre diving platform. In addition to this, the pool does not have any form of surface agitation installed.

(6) Not at this stage.

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