Page 1474 - Week 04 - Thursday, 12 April 2018

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Mr Gentleman: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

The questions asked by the Member is similar to what was asked by the Member in Question on Notice 898. As I advised previously, providing a response to Questions on Notice 1046, 1047, and 1048 would take a considerable amount of staff time and resources to answer, and unreasonably redirect ACT Emergency Services Agency personnel away from important functions. As such, I have determined it is not appropriate to provide a response.

ACT Ambulance Service—crews
(Question No 1050)

Mrs Jones asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, upon notice, on 23 March 2018:

(1) Which ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS) stations are responsible for which suburbs in the ACT.

(2) On how many occasions were ACTAS crews required to respond to an emergency situation outside their designated area in (a) 2015-16, (b) 2016-17 and (c) 2017-18 to date.

(3) Are the response times of these out of area responses included in the calculation of the response time statistics as reported by Reports on Government Services (ROGS) and what is the rationale for this.

Mr Gentleman: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Based on historical and predictive data analysis and reporting, ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS) stations are strategically located to service the needs and expectations of the community in relation to response times. These stations service all of the ACT, and are not restricted to specific suburbs. The nearest available ambulance is always dispatched to an incident. The nearest available ambulance may not necessarily be the one from the nearest ambulance station. Those resources may, for example, be attending to another incident.

(2) Not applicable. See response to question (1).

(3) Response times in ROGS are not recorded by station. They are recorded as responses across the ACT.

Icon Water—water prices
(Question No 1054)

Ms Lawder asked the Treasurer, upon notice, on 23 March 2018:

(1) What was the reason for Icon Water’s recent increase in charges.

(2) Does the Government have any plans to provide support to pensioners who are struggling with the added increase in cost.

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