Page 964 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 2018

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Motion (by Mr Gentleman) agreed to:

That the Members so nominated be appointed as members of the Select Committee on Estimates 2018-2019.

Rail safety national law national regulations

Papers and statement by minister

MR RATTENBURY (Kurrajong—Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability, Minister for Justice, Consumer Affairs and Road Safety, Minister for Corrections and Minister for Mental Health) (3.16): For the information of members, I present the following papers:

Rail Safety National Law—

Rail Safety National Law National Regulations (Fees and Returns) Variation Regulations 2017 (2017 No 257), together with an explanatory statement.

Rail Safety National Law National Regulations (Miscellaneous) Variation Regulations 2017 (2017 No 258), together with an explanatory statement.

Rail Safety National Law National Regulations (Queensland Fatigue Provisions) Variation Regulations 2017 (2017 No 259), together with an explanatory statement—

I ask leave to make a statement in relation to the papers.

Leave granted.

MR RATTENBURY: Today I am tabling the rail safety national law national regulations I just outlined. I will not repeat all the titles. The rail safety national law is adopted in the ACT through the Rail Safety National Law (ACT) Act 2014 and includes the Rail Safety National Law National Regulations 2012.

Section 7 of the Rail Safety National Law (ACT) Act 2014 provides that any amendment to the national rail safety law national regulations must be tabled in the Legislative Assembly. Regulations under the rail safety national law are agreed by the Transport and Infrastructure Council, passed through the South Australian parliament and published on the New South Wales legislation register. The publication of the amendment regulations on the New South Wales legislation register means that the regulations are also notified on that date for the purposes of their application in the ACT. 

The amendments are minor and technical in nature and give effect to annual fee increases and changes to reporting obligations on rail operators to the National Rail Safety Regulator. The National Rail Safety Regulator routinely consults all operators when developing proposed fee variations and changes in reporting obligations.

The Rail Safety National Law National Regulations (Fees and Returns) Variation Regulations 2017 increase the annual fees payable by a rail transport operator in

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